Bound Feet Blues will be featured in the Sight/Unseen drama conference

Bound Feet Blues is part of the Sight / Unseen Drama Conference ¦ Bound Feet Blues

Yang-May Ooi’s solo theatre piece is part of the Sight/Unseen Drama Conference on 27 April. An extract from the play, read by Julie Cheung-Inhin, will feature as an introduction to the panel discussion ReTelling Old Tales in Theatre.…

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British East Asian Plays anthology featuring Yang-May Ooi's Bound Feet Blues

Yang-May Ooi signs with Aurora Metro ¦ Bound Feet Blues

Writer/ performer Yang-May Ooi has signed with UK publisher Aurora Metro for the script of Bound Feet Blues to be included in an upcoming anthology of British East Asian plays. Yang-May writes: Bound Feet Blues: A Life Told…

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Green leaves to illustrate The Scent of Green - a video poem by Yang-May Ooi

Scent of Green – a video poem ¦ ReWilding My Life

This video poem, Scent of Green, is part of a multi-media project by creative actionista, Yang-May Ooi, about her personal journey to re-connect with nature. Scent of Green – a video poem ¦ ReWilding My Life As part…

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Clocks to illustrate a blog post by Yang-May Ooi about making time to achieve anything

How to create time for anything ¦ Fearless Creativity

So you want to write a book but somehow you never find the time. You have a creative passion you long to pursue but your day job gets in the way. Don’t wait, creative actionista Yang-May Ooi  says, you…

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Marta Becket - Death Valley dancer

Dance even when no-one is watching ¦ Fearless Creativity

Would you write your novel if no-one would read it? Would you paint a picture that would never be seen? Would you dance even if no-one is watching? Creative actionista Yang-May Ooi discusses what we can learn from…

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