anxiety advantage podcast - trailer - a jourey of discovery - hosted by Yang-May Ooi

The Anxiety Advantage – Trailer – A Journey of Discovery [podcast] AXAV000a

Anxiety can be overwhelming and debilitating. And it is on the rise in today’s post-pandemic world. But Is it inevitable that we must live with fear, uncertainty and doubt – or can there be any good that can…

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Vaccination photo to illustrate blog post by Yang-May Ooi on Oxford Moments

One of over 30 million ¦ Oxford Moments

Author Yang-May Ooi reflects on what it means for her to take up the first dose of the vaccination against Covid-19. One of over 30 million ¦ Oxford Moments A couple of weeks ago, I heard on the…

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Tony Dillon with Yang-May Ooi - ReWilding My Life podcast

Tony Dillon on Re-connecting with Nature CCV0302 ¦ Creative Conversations [podcast]

Many of us live in big cities like London. We are surrounded by noise, crowds – and a lot of pollution. Is that lifestyle seriously damaging us? And can re-connecting with nature save our health? Ex-lawyer and creative…

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Brompton on the open road - to illustrate a post about ReWilding My Life by Yang-May Ooi

I’ve joined a cult – The Cult of The Brompton ¦ ReWilding My Life

Multi-media storyteller Yang-May Ooi recounts how she gave up being sensible and fell into the Cult of the Brompton as part of her project to re-connect with nature. I resisted for a long time. I would look longingly…

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How to Retain a Wild Body into Old Age ¦ ReWilding My Life

An unexpected encounter in the park inspires writer Yang-May Ooi to reflect on how it’s never too late to re-discover our wild bodies and remain fit into old age.   How to Retain a Wild Body into Old…

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