In this video, writer/ performer Yang-May Ooi explains how she was able to write her memoir Bound Feet Blues in 28 days. She also adds in this blog post some tips on what can help you write quickly.
How author Yang-May Ooi wrote her memoir in 28 days
I was able to write my memoir in 28 days – spread over 5 months because it was already inside me, bursting to come out. It was a lifetime in the making, and also generations in the making, as the stories span my own life and those of my forebears.
The key to writing quickly is preparation. If you have your stories and ideas clear in your mind, if you’ve laid the groundwork with a robust structure for your book, the act of writing becomes a physical one that comes down to how fast can you type and how much energy and stamina do you have for each writing session?
In the same way, preparation is key to any endeavour, whether it is a creative project like writing a book or rolling out a project at work or in your business. When you have clarity in terms of structure and the steps needed, the execution of any project will be more efficient and speedy. So it is worth taking the time at the ideas/ planning stage to work on clarity and what needs doing by whom and by when.

You can find out more about Bound Feet Blues and BUY THE BOOK, via the links below:
Author: Yang-May Ooi
Yang-May Ooi is a writer & podcaster. Her creative work includes The Flame Tree and Mindgame (novels), Bound Feet Blues (theatre & family memoir), The Anxiety Advantage and Creative Conversations (podcasts). ¦